Do You Really Know How Important Calcium Is?

In our healthy diets, we often overlook the role of calcium. But this tiny element is crucial for our bodily functions. Let's dive into the nutritional value of calcium, how much we need, who's at risk of deficiency, and how we can top up with The Vegan High Calcium Protein, loaded with natural seaweed calcium and buckwheat D3.



Calcium: The Essential Sidekick for Muscles and Bones

Calcium isn't just about building strong bones; it plays a vital role in many physiological processes. Firstly, it's a must-have nutrient for muscle contraction, which means it's crucial for the heart and nervous system. Plus, calcium jumps into action for blood clotting, cell signaling, and hormone secretion. So, keeping up with your calcium intake is key for overall health.



Vegans and Lactose Intolerants: Watch Out for Calcium Deficiency

Everyone's calcium needs vary, but experts suggest adults aim for about 1000 milligrams a day. This number might bump up during adolescence when bones are still growing. Women also need more calcium post-menopause to fend off osteoporosis. Additionally, pregnant or breastfeeding women need extra calcium to support their baby's growth.



Vegans and Lactose Intolerants: Watch Out for Calcium Deficiency

While calcium is in many foods, some folks are more at risk of falling short. Lactose intolerants, vegans, and those avoiding dairy might not get enough. Plus, people with restricted diets like desk-bound office workers, sun-shy individuals, or long-term patients might face similar issues.



Calcium's Must-Have Buddy: Vitamin D3

When it comes to topping up on calcium, it's not just about the amount but also absorption. Calcium needs other nutrients, especially Vitamin D, to convert into bone calcium.

Vitamin D boosts calcium absorption, aids bone and tooth development, and helps maintain calcium balance in the blood. Among its forms, D3 is more effective in aiding calcium absorption, with higher bioavailability.


The Vegan High Calcium Protein Strength Plus Protein: Boosting Calcium and Absorption

The Vegan High Calcium Protein packs natural seaweed calcium and buckwheat D3, effectively replenishing calcium and enhancing absorption. With added protein nutrition, it ensures your body gets enough calcium, supporting bone health and normal bodily functions, empowering your mobility!


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